I saw an interesting recipe that looked like it would be delicious, so I decided to give it a go…
Well, it’s a pork loin served in the “Wellington” style, named after The 1st Duke of Wellington Arthur Wellesley and his win at the Battle of Waterloo. Normally done with a beef loin the Wellington refers to wrapping the loin pastry dough. This version included dried apples as a stuffing, and prosciutto wrap on the loin, thyme, whole grain mustard, plenty of salt and petter, pastry dough and eggwash. We included “Israeli Cous Cous,” and green beans to round out the meal. I’d never enjoyed the israeli variety but it was really nice…like large savory tapioca. Making the meal was great fun…probably the best part. It turns out that the tastes weren’t all that great together. While the meal was technically, dare I say, perfect…the overall taste left a lot to be desired. Next time I’ll choose a different stuffing, herb and condiment combo. Should be good. This was great fun so not a complete loss! Another benefit is that I made apple and blueberry jam puff pastries with the leftovers!
The next time you make jam puff pastries will you please call me?!?