Niles “Bob” Foster – A Good Cat who Lived his Best Life
We lost our Bob today. He was a good cat and lived to be at least 17. For the majority of his life was a feral barn cat. He roamed all over this hill and probably knew the other animals here quite well. He was a fierce mouser and scrapped for everything he got most of his life. When we bought the house, he came with it and after a few cold winters he joined our family to live inside. He loved to sleep during the day in one of his beds and would enjoy fresh meals and water every …

Fred Ward – R.I.P.
Fred Ward died today. He was only 79 years old. I guess that’s old for some people but it doesn’t seem super old to me. 85 plus is when I’d start thinking about the eternal dirt nap. Anyway, Fred Ward was in quite a few cool movies when I was growing up. His gruff, grizzled, but honest nature set him apart and his performance cemented his place amongst his peers. The clip above is from “Remo Williams” which was a great movie that sits in it’s own genre. Was Remo a super spy? A super hero? What a great cast …

Motion Tracking in After Effects – A learning process
View Post Motion Tracking in After Effects – A learning process Motion Tracking in After Effects isn’t terribly difficult once you get the hang of the process. However, it’s definitely something that requires practice to get anywhere near decent. YouTube videos were enough to get me started and I did a decent job for a complete novice. The first thing to track is motion. After Effects has an automatic motion tracker but you’re likely to discover your auto track quickly runs into trouble when the object being tracked isn’t crystal clear. So, I manually tracked the football in this video …

Red Dead Redemption 2
Instead of choosing the open world I was interested in, I decided to play the single player campaign.
The Arcane Council
So…is this right? Am I about to embark on a journey I’ve already taken? If you’ve been following this blog at all you may remember that I was a competitive WoW player for the first 10 years World of Warcraft was available. Our Guild was The Arcane Council on the Bloodhoof Server and we were quite accomplished for a competitive, yet family friendly guild. I played with the same players for many years and came to hold them in high regard. We forged our way through every obstacle placed in our way. I was so proud of how Taranis let …
A Weighty Issue
“Die? Aren’t you being a bit dramatic Eric?” you might say.

The News for Now…
I’ve been writing and producing the Lunenburg Public Access News since the Covid-19 outbreak.
So a little time has passed…
Welcome to the Apocalypse! Covid-19 has changed the way the world works and it’s motivated me to resurrect my creative self. It’s hard for me to look at this site because, at one point, it was very fruitful. Father time has rotted away the creativity and all that remains are the leftover pits, littering the ground. So, let’s cover some of the changes! I’ve learned so much in regards to videography and editing that I’m now doing it for a living, which I love. Since the Corona Virus lock-down I’ve been producing my local cable access news! The news used …
Mother Flight over Lowell
I’ve been learning how to fly my drone. It’s quite nerve-wracking but I’m getting the hang of it. Check out my first flight! This video covers a very short trip over Lowell which I made originating at Fort Hill Park. My altitude was set at 320-ish feet for the duration but hopefully I’ll get more dynamic over time. The music is awesome, by Vitamin String Quartet tribute to Pink Floyd so go get it here! https://www.amazon.com/String-Quartet-Tribute-Pink-Floyd/dp/B000069KDX