Remember to never put the name of the day in the title of the post…
I hate opening my blog and being reminded that I haven’t posted since last Friday. /whatever. MiH
I hate opening my blog and being reminded that I haven’t posted since last Friday. /whatever. MiH
I’ve got a couple of things on my mind… This has been a busy week for me at work and I’m loving it. We’ve launched a major product with MySpace. We had a pretty good link placement and we did about 750k prints in a little over a week, but now, with better placement we’re doing 300k a day! It’s amazing to me that one of our simplest products is really driving a great experience for a whole bunch of people. There’s also another project we’re working on that’s pretty simple, but really fills a specific niche that’s currently almost a …
Enjoy this great Seu Jorge song while you read! [youtube=] I read this comment beneath a video for a great version of Bowie’s “Life on Mars” played by Seu Jorge. My kneejerk reaction was to make a post asking if this was the first time this guy had been online (which I did.) As I clicked “Submit” I asked myself “Why do people even post comments on a youtube video?” The irony wasn’t lost on me and I’m sorry to say I was now a contributor to the banality of “commenting.” Why did I comment? Why do others comment? Mine …
O.J. Simpson is being sentenced this Friday for his latest crimes. Some people are reporting he’ll get life in prison for the 12 charges against him, including armed robbery, conspiracy to commit a crime, assault and kidnapping with a deadly weapon. [youtube=] The look on his face as the charges are being read is priceless! It’s amazing to me that Simpson was found not guilty in the double homicide he committed back in the 90’s…I guess his aquittal on those charges gave him a false sense of security to commit these latest crimes. It still surprises me that people can be THAT …
I’m not much of a Holiday guy. In the past I’ve holed up in my room playing WoW for the holiday season…which is actually a lot of fun if you’re prepared. This year promised to be different now that I’m engaged and actually HAVE a life and something to do during the holidays. Thanksgiving just passed and things went pretty well. I didn’t get grumpy or reclusive and I may have even had a bit of fun. Part of the solution was to create a space for myself at J’s. About 2 months ago the loft was just a place …
That will be all. MiH
What a rainy, overcast day outside. It’s several days before Thanksgiving and there aren’t a ton of people here at work. I’ve got “V for Vendetta” playing on my laptop on my right and my normal work right in front of me. We’re launching the photocube with MySpace today and I’ve just spoken with their very nice support guy…I imagine things will go very smoothly with this launch as the photocube is pretty bullet proof. Once that has launched and it’s determined that things are running smoothly I can enjoy the time off for Thanksgiving. I’m usually not a huge …
This concludes the first real week I’ve started working out again. I was in pretty good shape several months ago, but stopped working out due to several things, a medication being one of them. This week I’ve been telling myself that if I can just stay motivated long enough to see some results then I’m golden. Once I get back into decent shape it should be easy to keep it going and perhaps even surpass my original results. Original weight when I started working out: 248lbs. Weight when I stopped working out: 192lbs. Current Weight 215lbs. I’d like to get …
[youtube=] Let’s hope all the best parts aren’t in the trailer. MiH