Jack Burton is quite possibly the best character ever.
Trailer: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOOzFwd5DNA&NR=1] The best of Jack Burton: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzwGwsdaeQo] Long Live the Porkchop Express!
Trailer: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOOzFwd5DNA&NR=1] The best of Jack Burton: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzwGwsdaeQo] Long Live the Porkchop Express!
I’ve been having a lot of fun with Facebook lately. I know, it’s so 2004…but apparently what is old is new again and I’m having enjoying reconnecting with many old friends. Which leads me to my quandary…is it really re”connecting?” I’ve sent messages back and forth, viewed photo albums, wrote on walls, read what others have written, but is that really reconnecting? Do we need redefine “reconnecting?” In my father’s day it meant literally meeting and talking face to face but now…not so much, which isn’t to say it’s bad, it’s just different. The same technology that connects me to …
Forgive the LOUD and ABNOXIOUS audio, but I’m a proud Dad. =) Here is his parallel bar routine. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZpk55aAhSE#] And here he is on the rings. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQA0hbahHns] Enjoy!
Check out this clip from 1981. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WCTn4FljUQ] Interesting note: The computer you see the old guy use is a TRS-80 model 1, which I also owned. I love the line “Engineers now predict the day will come when we get all our newspapers and magazines by home computer.” It only took 20 years to mortally wound print newspapers and probably kill them in another 10 years. It’s also interesting to hear one person make reference to being able to copy and print the most pertinent stories, not considering that the digital medium might eventually be richer than printed content. The …
I’m not talking about Obama change. I’m talking about real change in my life. I’ve pretty much moved in with J, which is big for me. I’ve geared my life to be pretty self sufficient (read:selfish) and follow specific routines and everyone who’s ever lived with a woman knows that it takes some getting used to. Now, before I get into trouble here let me clarify my statements. I’m talking about things like being tidy, toilet seats, dirty clothes, running water while I’m brushing my teeth, making the bed in the morning, and multiple TV’s on at once. The things …
I just thinned out my list of blog feeds on google reader. One of the blogs I removed was one of my most active subscriptions. At first I found it an endearing read, full of hope and freshness and a different point of view…but then it became a sickly sweet annoyance I scrolled quickly through. The inner thoughts of this person went from youthful and sassy to predictable, bland and boring. A chore to read. So, I wondered if I was a chore to read? Thankfully I don’t believe many, if any people actually read through this drivel and I’m …
I’m glad that the Nation elected it’s first black President. Heck, I voted for him and I’m anxious to see how President Obama will handle the problems in front of us all. I’m not terribly happy with some of his appointments, one in particular. His appointment of Robert Reich as the Secretary of Labor, who believes that the color of someone’s skin is MORE important than the skills he/she possesses is dissapointing. He posted an article on his blog entitled “The Stimulus: How to Create Jobs Without Them All Going to Skilled Professionals and White Male Construction Workers,” which I …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7P7qmkpqMY] Even after all these years these guys still rock. Not only are they funny as hell, they’re awesome musicians and showmen. If you’ve never had an opportunity to hear them you should definitely check them out. MiH
Here he is in one of my favorite roles as “Khan Noonien Singh” in Star Trek. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAAl2zfk684] Here he reprises his role in Star Trek 2 – The Wrath of Khan He started in 1942 and continued his show business career for more than 60 years and will be remembered for his many memorable roles. Rest In Peace Bud…and thanks. MiH